Bradford Ice Arena

Session Type

General Session

Join us on general sessions where the house lights are on and everyone is welcome to skate at a steady pace. Some of these sessions are also used to teach ice hockey or figure skating on so there may be restrictions on ice availability to the public.

Family Session

Family sessions are reserved for beginner skaters and families, so that only supervised youngsters are on the ice. Anyone under 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult who will supervise them. These sessions are perfect for small children and people who may be a little nervous about giving the ice a go. Please do not send teenagers to this type of session unaccompanied, as they will be refused entry.

Disco Session

Skating with an atmosphere, disco lights and loud music turn our ice pad into a groovy venue for all in attendance. Anyone is welcome to these sessions but very small children or complete beginners are advised to try a family session first.

All Session Info

Some sessions may have a 15 minute dance/speed or resurface interval. Please ensure you read all safety information to help ensure you have an enjoyable, incident free visit.

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